ISM-1200 Infrared Photoelectric Amplifier

Manufacturer: Pantron Instruments, GmbH
Category: Infrared Photoelectric Amplifiers

Pantron amplifiers operate with modulated infrared light which provides high immunity to ambient light. The electronic circuit is designed to detect only those signals with the correct frequency and phase relation. This almost completely excludes interference from other barriers.

Features and Specifications

  • Detection range up to 55 m (180ft)
  • 2 different selectable transmit frequencies
  • Permanent sensor control
  • Manual / automatic operation selectable
  • System power high / low switchable
  • Switching output 60 V / 100 mA - short circuit proof
  • Switching behavior light / dark selectable
  • Analog output
  • Alarm output
  • Test input
  • Built-in diagnostics
Technical Data at +68 °F
Supply voltage see purchase order table below
Operating basis modulated IR light
Transmit power manual adjustment
Transmit frequency 3.7, 4.3 kHz
Switching function light / dark switchable
Basic transmit level high / low switchable
Switching delay -
Switching output NO (semiconductor relay)
   Max. load 60 VDC (AC)) / 100 mA
   reaction time 24 ms
Alarm output pnp, 24 VDC
   Max. load 100 mA
Analog output 0 ... 10 V DC
Test input 0 ... 30 V DC
Housing material NORYL, gray RAL 7035
Protection class IP 20
Operation temperature -13 °F ... +122 °F
Available Types
Part number


The operation of infrared amplifier ISM... is not authorized for applications where the safety of a person depends on the device function.