Infrared Photoelectric Systems for Harsh Environments

Manufacturer: Pantron Instruments, GmbH
Category: Infrared Photoelectric Systems

Pantron high-powered infrared photoelectric sensors are designed to work in harsh environments, but are versatile enough to be used in applications to detect small objects or identify the correct positioning of equipment or parts in automated applications.

Inductive proximity switches

Manufacturer: EGE Elektronik
Category: Inductive proximity switches

The inductive proximity switches series IGV are used in areas with heavy-duty mechanical loads at the sensor's face or where seals between face and housing cannot be used. Chips hitting the front or frequently changing coolants or lubricants do not diminish the function of these proximity switches. The varients with a PTFE coating are particularly well-suited for welding lines and similar environments where sensors are exposed to heavy soiling. Metal face switches are manufactured from stainless steel and are one solid piece. They detect iron and steel through the metal front face.


Extreme sensors for demanding environments


The operation of the devices referred to as "extreme sensors" is not authorized for applications where the safety of a person depends on the device function.